托福寫作第 1 題(Task 1)架構完整分析,幫助你輕鬆拿滿分!

Ivy-Way Academy
7 min readMar 30, 2022


我們把這題稱為”基於閱讀和聽力的寫作(Writing based on Reading and Listening)” 或”綜合寫作題(Integrated Writing Task),因為你必須把來自不同地方的資訊彙整到答案中,不像其他寫作題目只要寫下自己的看法即可。


托福綜合寫作題(Integrated Writing)概要




最後,你將會看到一個問題提示,在考試中,你必須在閱讀文章並聽取對話後才能看到提示。考生必須在 20 分鐘內完成答題,一個有效的答案通常需要寫 150–225 個字。





Toward the end of his life, the Chevalier de Seingalt (1725–1798) wrote a long memoir recounting his life and adventures. The Chevalier was a somewhat controversial figure, but since he met many famous people, including kings and writers, his memoir has become a valuable historical source about European society in the eighteenth century. However, some critics have raised doubts about the accuracy of the memoir. They claim that the Chevalier distorted or invented many events in the memoir to make his life seem more exciting and glamorous than it really was.
For example, in his memoir the Chevalier claims that while living in Switzerland, he was very wealthy, and it is known that he spent a great deal of money there on parties and gambling. However, evidence has recently surfaced that the Chevalier borrowed considerable sums of money from a Swiss merchant. Critics thus argue that if the Chevalier had really been very rich, he would not have needed to borrow money.
Critics are also skeptical about the accuracy of the conversations that the Chevalier records in the memoir between himself and the famous writer Voltaire. No one doubts that the Chevalier and Voltaire met and conversed. However, critics complain that the memoir cannot possibly capture these conversations accurately, because it was written many years after the conversations occurred. Critics point out that it is impossible to remember exact phrases from extended conversations held many years earlier.
Critics have also questioned the memoir’s account of the Chevalier’s escape from a notorious prison in Venice, Italy. He claims to have escaped the Venetian prison by using a piece of metal to make a hole in the ceiling and climbing through the roof. Critics claim that while such a daring escape makes for enjoyable reading, it is more likely that the Chevalier’s jailers were bribed to free him. They point out that the Chevalier had a number of politically well-connected friends in Venice who could have offered a bribe.


文章的主要思想: Critics claim that the Chevalier distorted or invented many events in his memoir.

接下來的三段解釋為什麼作者提出這種說法,每一段都提供一個特定的證據,解釋了為什麼評論家認為回憶錄包含”distorted or invented”事件。

  • 第一個證據:He borrowed a lot of money so they don’t think the Chevalier was rich.
  • 第二個證據:His description of conversations with Voltaire were written so long after they happened that they were impossible to remember so clearly.
  • 第三個證據:He could have simply bribed his jailers so they think the account of his escape through the ceiling is not likely what actually happened.




(Female professor) No memoir can possibly be correct in every detail, but still, the Chevalier’s memoir is pretty accurate overall, and is, by and large, a reliable historical source. Let’s look at the accuracy of the three episodes mentioned in the reading. First, the loan from the merchant. Well, that doesn’t mean that the Chevalier was poor. Let me explain. We know that in Switzerland, the Chevalier spent huge amounts of money on parties and gambling, and he had wealth. But it was a kind of property you have to sell first to get money. So it usually took a few days to convert his assets into actual money. So when he ran out of cash, he had to borrow some while he was waiting for his money to arrive, but that’s not being poor. Second, the conversations with Voltaire. The Chevalier states in his memoir that each night immediately after conversing with Voltaire, he wrote down everything he could remember about that particular night’s conversation. Evidently the Chevalier kept his notes of these conversations for many years and referred to them when writing the memoir. Witnesses who lived with the Chevalier in his later life confirmed that he regularly consulted notes and journals when composing the memoir. Third, the Chevalier’s escape from a prison in Venice. Other prisoners in that prison had even more powerful friends than he did, and none of them were ever able to bribe their way to freedom, so bribery hardly seems likely in his case. The best evidence, though, comes from some old Venetian government documents. They indicate that soon after the Chevalier escaped from the prison, the ceiling of his old prison room had to be repaired. Why would they need to repair a ceiling unless he had escaped exactly as he said he did?


講座的主要思想: memoir…pretty accurate overall…reliable


  • 第一個證據:Borrowing money doesn’t mean that he was poor; he was just waiting for his own money to arrive.
  • 第二個證據:He didn’t try to remember the conversations long after they happened; he used notes taken immediately after the conversations to write his memoir.
  • 第三個證據:There is no evidence to support the critics claims of bribery; there is evidence of his escape because there was damage to the ceiling.





  1. 閱讀的資訊(Information from the reading)
  2. 講座的資訊(Information from the lecture)
  3. 你對這些內容關係的解釋(Your explanation of the relationship between these things)

常見的寫作提示會長得像這樣: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they respond to the specific points made in the reading passage.


  • Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.
  • Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they respond to the challenges presented in the reading passage.

無論題目長什麼樣子,它們的任務都是相同的: 解釋你讀到和聽到內容之間的關係







  1. 閱讀段落主要思想:Critics claim that the Chevalier distorted or invented many events in his memoir.
  2. 聽力講座的主要思想:memoir…pretty accurate overall…reliable.
  3. 閱讀證據 1:He borrowed a lot of money so they don’t think the Chevalier was rich.
  4. 講座證據 1:Borrowing money doesn’t mean that he was poor; he was just waiting for his own money to arrive.
  5. 閱讀證據 2:His description of conversations with Voltaire were written so long after they happened that they were impossible to remember so clearly.
  6. 講座證據 2:He didn’t try to remember the conversations long after they happened; he used notes taken immediately after the conversations to write his memoir.
  7. 閱讀證據 3:He could have simply bribed his jailers so they think the account of his escape through the ceiling is not likely what actually happened.
  8. 講座證據 3:There is no evidence to support the critics claims of bribery; there is evidence of his escape because there was damage to the ceiling.

而我們前面有提到,這道寫作題目通常需要寫 150–225 個字,而上面這些內容其實已經有 150 字了。因此我們要做的事情就是解釋這些內容之間的關係,然後把這些資訊串起來。



  • The reading passage tells us…
  • The lecturer responds by saying…
  • responds by saying…

例句:The reading passage tells us critics claim that the Chevalier de Seingalt distorted or invented many events in his memoir. The lecturer responds by saying that the memoir is actually pretty accurate and reliable.




證據 1 討論段落


  • The first piece of evidence that the critics use…
  • The professor agrees… but…
  • but for a different reason…

例句:The first piece of evidencethat the critics use to support their claim is that the Chevalier needed to borrow money. They say that this shows he was not rich. The professor agrees that the Chevalier borrowed money, but for a different reason. He was waiting for his own money to arrive.

與上一個段落類似,我們先告訴讀者這個資訊來自哪裡,然後再強調教授的回應。在這種情況下,教授同意證據存在,但是她有不同的解釋,因此我們使用” but “突顯兩個觀點之間的關係。

證據 2 討論段落


  • The second piece of evidence presented by the critics
  • On this point, the professor thinks
  • However… they are mistaken.

例句:The second piece of evidencepresented by the critics was the impossibility of remembering the detailed conversations in the Chevalier’s memoirs for so many years. However, on this point, the professor thinks they are mistaken. This was not actually how he wrote his memoir. Instead, it was based on careful notes made right after the conversations.

這一段基本上與證據 1 的結構相同,在這裡我們使用” however “來突顯閱讀文章跟講座觀點之間的差異。

證據 3 討論段落


  • The final claim made by the critics…
  • according to the professor
  • not supported by evidence… In fact

例句:The final claimmade by the critics that the Chevalier did not escape from jail but instead used bribery is not supported by evidence at all, according to the professor. , while there is no evidence of bribery, she says there is evidence of his escape because the ceiling was damaged.

在最後一段中,” in fact “ 這個片語突出了教授的回應,並把她的證據與批評者缺乏的證據進行對比。

寫作 task 1 高分回答的範例


The reading passage tells us critics claim that the Chevalier de Seingalt distorted or invented many events in his memoir. The lecturer responds by saying that the memoir is actually pretty accurate and reliable.

The first piece of evidence that the critics use to support their claim is that the Chevalier needed to borrow money. They say that this shows he was not rich. The professor agrees that the Chevalier borrowed money, but for a different reason. He was waiting for his own money to arrive.

The second piece of evidence presented by the critics was the impossibility of remembering the detailed conversations in the Chevalier’s memoirs for so many years. However, on this point, the professor thinks they are mistaken. This was not actually how he wrote his memoir. Instead, it was based on careful notes made right after the conversations.

The final claim made by the critics that the Chevalier did not escape from jail but instead used bribery is not supported by evidence at all, according to the professor. In fact, while there is no evidence of bribery, she says there is evidence of his escape because the ceiling was damaged.

這個答案的長度大約 195 個字,正好符合題目的字數規定範圍。希望這樣的架構解析、有邏輯的順序能幫助你寫出高分答案。


我們建議學生多利用 TOEFL Mocks 做免費的寫作考題,透過免費的托福官方真題,學生可以體驗不同的托福寫作題目,嘗試把我們提供的模板應用在自己的答案裡:


在正常情況下, 我們不太推薦學生報名團體托福寫作課 ,其實只要學生依照我們提供的模板多加練習,就可以得到非常大的進步了。

如果還是卡關不行的話,我們建議學生報名 Ivy-Way 的 一對一托福寫作精華課,針對學生口說的弱點對症下藥,正常情況下只需要 1–2 堂課就可以拿到寫作ˋ的 25–28 分 喔!

